[Community] yochai benkler e philippe aigrain alla Fiera del Libro di Torino, 12 maggio 2007
J. C. De Martin
demartin a polito.it
Gio 10 Maggio 2007 11:11:22 CEST
Buongiorno a tutti,
vi segnalo che sabato 12 maggio 2007, ore 15,
alla Fiera del Libro di Torino
il prof. Yochai Benkler della Yale University
presentera' la versione italiana del suo
fondamentale lavoro "The wealth of networks".
Alle ore 16, sara' la volta dell'edizione
italiana del libro "Causa Comune"
di Philippe Aigrain, ex Commissione Europea
(nonche' keynote speaker a CCIT 2005).
Anche a questa presentazione ci sara' l'autore.
Qualche riferimento a seguire.
cordiali saluti,
juan carlos de martin
Presentazione in Fiera dell'edizione italiana
del libro di Yochai Benkler (Egea - Bocconi):
Sabato 12 maggio, ore 15, Spazio Autori Calligaris B
Intervengono: Yochai Benkler, Gianfranco Bettetini, Mario Calderini,
Jane Koblas, Stefano Rodotà. Coordina: Anna Masera
Estratto libro di Benkler:
Sito personale Yochai Benkler:
Yochai Benkler a Professor of Law at Yale Law School. His research
focuses on the effects of laws that regulate information production and
exchange on the distribution of control over information flows,
knowledge, and culture in the digital environment. His particular focus
has been on the neglected role of commons-based approaches towards
management of resources in the digitally networked environment. He has
written about the economics and political theory of rules governing
telecommunications infrastructure, with a special emphasis on wireless
communications, rules governing private control over information, in
particular intellectual property, and of relevant aspects of U.S.
constitutional law.
Presentazione in Fiera dell'edizione italiana
del libro di Philippe Aigrain (Stampa Alternativa):
Sabato 12 maggio, ore 16, Spazio Book
Intervengono: Philippe Agrain, Marcello Baraghini, Paolo Beni, Ascanio
Celestini, Juan Carlos De Martin
Sito italiano libro di Philippe Aigrain:
Sito personale Philippe Aigrain:
I was born in 1949. During and after my training in maths and computer
science, I combined schizophrenically software development, information
technology research, and the social criticism of the effects of IT on
society. Between 1979 and 1983, I decided to try to find a more
satisfying way to be a computer scientist. Since then, I have tried to
build and to help other build technical tools and processes that help
everyone to be more creative, more capable or critical thinking and
constructive exchanges with others. This led me:
* To develop software and interactive multimedia installations for the
mediation of contemporary visual arts and of mathematics (work conducted
within non-for-profit associations and microcompanies 1983-1986)
* To create and head a research team within the Institut de Recherche en
Informatique de Toulouse. This team was active in media content analysis
for photographs, video and music, automatic indexing and navigation
interfaces, and interactive perception and annotation tools for these
media (1986-1996)
* To join the European Commission services (ESPRIT and then IST research
programmes), where I developed and implemented policy in support to free
/ open source software. I also tried to be active at the interface
between such policy and the harmful regulatory policy of extending
patent subject matter, implementing a more restrictive enforcement of
copyright, legislating through technology, and creating more severe
civil and penal procedures for these matters (1996-2003). I became by
force a specialist of positive intellectual rights (as opposed to
approaches for which intellectual property is a starting point taken for
* To create and head a company that develops free software and provides
commercial services for the organisation of public debates and
collaborative work over the Internet. In parallel, this company provides
technical and organisation support to a number of NGO and citizen
initiatives. The company has been active since January 2004.
In addition to my technical papers, I have published a number of texts
on the sociology of information exchanges and the political philosophy
of intellectual rights, including the book “Common Cause: Information
Between Commons and Property“, Fayard, 2005. I was one of the founders
of the European transnational think-tank Public Debate. I am still
active on all these fronts. I also practiced mathematics as an amateur
(tree codes, polyomino tilings) and the history of technology a bit more
seriously. I support the following NGOs or projects, which I invite you
to also support :
- Transversales Science-Culture: Transversales is a French
multidisciplinary intellectual and political debate arena, that
publishes a book collection with the publisher Fayard and an Internet
newsletter, and organises thematic events.
- Worldwide NGO coalition for the reform of the world intellectual
rights system, initiated by the Consumer Project on Technology and the
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue.
- The Public Library of Science
As far as I know, I am the only “Philippe Aigrain” on this planet. I can
thus be googlelised by:
prof. juan carlos de martin
politecnico di torino - dip. automatica e informatica
corso duca degli abruzzi 24 - 10129 torino - italy
tel: +
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