[Community] Scarichiamoli: the second act
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Mar 15 Mar 2005 14:32:15 CET
Traduzione di Luigi Canali De Rossi http://www.masternewmedia.org di
"Scarichiamoli: atto secondo"
La parte sulla dichiarazione di berlino non è stata tradotta (come da noi
Invito Grossi a recuperarla.
Un saluto
Danilo Moi
danilomoi at creativecommons.it
Il mercante meditò sul potere ed escogitò la democrazia al fine di comprarsi
i voti (D. Moi)
Riporto sotto il testo:
Scarichiamoli: the second act
The February 2005 meeting at the Italian Senate has been an important
milestone in shedding new light on what are the opportunities and interests
that could emerge from the campaign labeled: "Scarichiamoli! (Let's download
Public access to know-how and free use of intellectual work represent a
common denominator for different movements (Open Access [1], Open Content
[2], Open Source [3], Web Accessibility [4]), which are concerned with
varied problems, but which in the respect of their own mission and
principles can't refuse to acknowledge a fertile common ground: An open
development of the Knowledge Society.
Based on this assumption, our request, to the Italian State and to relevant
government organs, for a Web portal, a meta-search engine, a P2P client and
other technological solutions targeted at creating popular and secure
channels for the popularization of Italian culture, must reflect the
successes that the above movements have achieved and which represent an
extraordinary valuable set of resources for society:
For example, the requested system will need to use free software, to support
the OAI-PMH [5] protocol, to comply with WCAG 1.0 specifications [6], to
make available all public domain works [7]. These will include music,
writings, images, and any other intellectual work free from commercial
utilization rights. And also, works released with a free distribution [8] or
an open content [9] license. Each and everyone of this works must be freely
downloadable, without any breaching of the law (it is evident that
downloading a file doesn't automatically mean that an illegal act is being
committed, but before downloading it is essential to know if downloading
that specific content is illegal or not: transparency guarantees security
and freedom).
It is on these premises that the proposed change to the 11th section of the
Italian law on intellectual property rights [10] can gain credibility and
weight: works financed with public money not only need to be perpetually
[11] exempt from exclusive commercialization rights (patrimonial author
rights [12] e related rights [13]) but need also to be publicly accessible
and usable (downloadable) [14].
The initiative of the Italian Creative Commons community is gaining
increasing attention from the Italian general public as well as from the
"net community" as it provides a premiere opportunity for a true
participative democracy based on an intelligent use of the Internet.
The Scarichiamoli! initiative is a true reflection of the good potential of
the Internet converging with the increasing awareness of users that such
uses are not well within their rights, but actually represent an effective
first step in allowing new technologies to create a more inclusive scenario
when it comes to access one nation's whole cultural heritage.
The Italian Creative Commons community:
Nicola Alcide Grossi
Danilo Moi
Michele Bottari
Fabio Sabatino
Marco Marandola
Angelo Rindone
Flavia Marzano
Alberto Sanna
Ado Pieretti
Lorenzo De Tomasi
[1] <a
[2] <a
[3] <a
[4] <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/">http://www.w3.org/WAI/</a>
[5] <a
[6] <a
[7] The right to authorship and the right to a work integrity (author's
moral rights) are inalienable rights, imprescriptible and irrenounceable:
nonetheless an intellectual property work has entered the Public Domain, the
author and the heirs (in the case the author has died) continue to
exclusively benefit from these rights.
[8] Free software licenses and licenses for its related documentation.
[9] Intellectual property licenses different from software and its related
documentation, in which some rights are reserved.
[10] Art. 11 Italian Law of April 22nd 1941 n. 633:
To the State administrative units, [to the National Fascist Party], to the
provinces and town jurisdictions is reserved the author's rights on those
works created and published under their names and with their budgets.
The same right is granted to private entities who do not operate for
commercial goals, except for special agreements made with the authors of the
published works, and also granted to the academies and to other public
cultural centers relative to their collections and publications.
[11] <a
[12] Right to publish the work;
right to use the work commercially;
reproduction rights;
transcription rights;
performing rights;
right to publicly communicate the work;
distribution rights;
translation rights;
editing rights;
re-publication rights;
rental and leasing rights;
lending rights;
rights to authorize third-parties to lend the work out;
rights to authorize third-parties to borrow the work out;
diritto di autorizzare il prestito dell'opera da parte di terzi.
Relative to the software:
Reproduction rights, permanent or temporary, partial or total of the
computer software with any means or device; right to translation,
customization, and upgrade and modification to the software, and
re-distribution rights to the derivative work. Right for allowing any form
of public distribution, including sale or rental of the software or of
copies of it.
[13] Rights of phonographic records producer, rights of the producers of
cinematographic, audio-visual, image-based works, rights relative to radio
and television broadcasting, artists and executor rights, rights relative to
works published or made available to the general public for the first time
after the expiration of the author's patrimonial rights, rights related to
critical and scientific works in the public domain, rights relative to
theatrical scripts and drafts of them, photographic rights, rights to mail
letter exchanges, portrait rights, rights to engineering works, and other
rights referred by Italian Law of April 22nd 1941, n. 633.
[14] Per la letteratura scientifica si veda la "Dichiarazione di Berlino":
Ciascun contributo ad accesso aperto deve soddisfare due requisiti:
1. L'autore(i) ed il detentore(i) dei diritti relativi a tale contributo
garantiscono a tutti gli utilizzatori il diritto d'accesso gratuito,
irrevocabile ed universale e l'autorizzazione a riprodurlo, utilizzarlo,
distribuirlo, trasmetterlo e mostrarlo pubblicamente e a produrre e
distribuire lavori da esso derivati in ogni formato digitale per ogni scopo
responsabile, soggetto all'attribuzione autentica della paternità
intellettuale (le pratiche della comunità scientifica manterranno i
meccanismi in uso per imporre una corretta attribuzione ed un uso
responsabile dei contributi resi pubblici come avviene attualmente), nonché
il diritto di riprodurne una quantità limitata di copie stampate per il
proprio uso personale.
2. Una versione completa del contributo e di tutti i materiali che lo
corredano, inclusa una copia della autorizzazione come sopra indicato, in un
formato elettronico secondo uno standard appropriato, è depositata (e dunque
pubblicata) in almeno un archivio in linea che impieghi standard tecnici
adeguati (come le definizioni degli Open Archives) e che sia supportato e
mantenuto da un'istituzione accademica, una società scientifica, un'agenzia
governativa o ogni altra organizzazione riconosciuta che persegua gli
obiettivi dell'accesso aperto, della distribuzione illimitata,
dell'interoperabilità e dell'archiviazione a lungo termine.
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