[Community] Press: traduzione **letterale** del comunicato stampa
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Sab 19 Feb 2005 13:53:20 CET
Creative Commons Italia community is working now on the draft of a law, the
gist of which we want to present to your attention.
"Scarichiamoli initiative " can be defined briefly like this:
Any intellectual production which has been financed with public resources
and/or support should be under public domain, openly accessible and freely
The Internet, due to its nature, is a powerful medium which can help
communities and citizens to co-ordinate mutually and transform their
aspirations into social, political, economic action.
Politicians are delegated (and paid) to transform those aspirations into
real and tangible solutions.
Whenever pragmatically: we have an aspiration, we want our representatives
to do their job: they must listen to us.
Communities and citizens have a common desire: to share knowledge freely.
The old Latin saying: Vox populi, Vox Dei [the voice of the people is the
voice of God] implies that the people's desires and aspirations are lawful
and should be interpreted by the State.
There are many ways and media to do this: from the internet to digital TV.
So we don't propose just a refitting of the European Copyright laws
(connected rights and patrimonial rights should be renounced by authors when
they receive a public financial support) but we also demand the creation of
a public web portal from which music, art, culture and knowledge in public
domain can be "downloadable".
A public web portal with a simple login: "Download them" (Notice: In Italian
"Scarichiamoli" stands for "download them" but also means "discard
them"...guess who is going to be discarded...)
To do this the State should co-ordinate with universities, foundations,
We strongly believe that public domain means nothing without public access.
If you share our initiative please endorse us, we will mention you as a
If you can/want please collaborate with us.
For further information please visit
Un saluto
Danilo Moi
danilomoi at creativecommons.it
Il mercante meditò sul potere ed escogitò la democrazia al fine di comprarsi
i voti (D. Moi)
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