[Community] la verità

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Dom 3 Apr 2005 12:25:53 CEST

Grossi, che non interverrà più su questa lista, mi ha consegnato questi tre 
Non commento perchè **spero vivamente** che il tutto si risolva e perchè non 
sono in una condizione emotiva "ottimale".
Avendo appena letto questi messaggi potrei scrivere ora cose *molto 
Non commento ma invito nuovamente De Martin e Maffulli a valutare quanto ho 
scritto in questo messaggio.

1) Primo messaggio
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 01:41:36 -0500
Richard Stallman <rms a gnu.org> ha scritto: 

   Ok, we can change the name (two solutions):
   1. "Free Software [3] / Open Source [4]".
   2. "Free Software [3]" (without OSI definition in the footnote [3]).
#2 would support the free software movement very strongly.
#1 would give us equal mention.  Naturally I'd prefer #2,
but with #1 there would not be a *problem*. 

   However, the text said **"free software"** and **"free licenses"**. 

Yes, but that is less prominent. 

   Public access to intellectual works that are in public domain (our
   culture, our story) and free use of intellectual works financed
   with public money. 

I can support those goals.  I suggest that you work on the
announcement to make them clearer.  The goals should never be buried
inside.  They should be in the first sentence!  Then you can explain
them in more detail, and then you can explain the context, give
reasons, answer objections, etc. 

2) secondo messaggio
On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 22:53:57 -0500
Richard Stallman <rms a gnu.org> ha scritto:
   The first sentence say:     "L'incontro del primo Febbraio 2005 in Senato 
della Repubblica è stato un momento importante per capire quali interessi 
possa mettere in luce la campagna "Scarichiamoli!": **l'accesso pubblico al 
sapere e la libera fruizione delle opere dell'ingegno**.
   "Public access to know-how and free use of intellectual works". 

   For the italian people this is a clear sentence. 

That sounds good.
Anyway, if you've made one of those two changes you proposed,
regarding "free software" and "open source", please add my name to
your list of supporters. 

3) terzo messaggio 

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:20:51 -0500
Richard Stallman <rms a gnu.org> ha scritto: 

You said to me your campaign's goal is
   Public access to intellectual works that are in public domain (our
   culture, our story) and free use of intellectual works financed with
   public money. 

but someone else wrote to me saying: 

                                                         the problem is     
they want all 'public-domain' not Free Software 

at all. They are trying     to pass a law to impose that all PA work  *must* 
be released as public     domain 

There seems to be some confusion about the precise goals
of your campaign, and I am concerned.  Which one is the goal? 


Un saluto
Danilo Moi
danilomoi at creativecommons.it
Il mercante meditò sul potere ed escogitò la democrazia al fine di comprarsi 
i voti (D. Moi)

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