[community] il Brasile si sta avviando alla legalizzazione del file sharing (from Volker Grassmuck)
demartin a polito.it
Gio 2 Set 2010 09:21:50 CEST
*Dal blog di Volker Grassmuck:*
Compartilhamento legal! -- Brazil is putting an end to the 'war on
copying,' at R$ 3,00 per month
1. September 2010
On the final day of the public consultation
<http://www.cultura.gov.br/consultadireitoautoral/consulta/> on Brazil's
copyright bill (English translation
all wakes of the legal, creative, civil society and industrial sectors
were abuzz with activity. Among the last minute contributors was an
impressive initiative of 28 academic, educational, consumer, musical and
digital cultural organizations, joined in the Network for
<http://reformadireitoautoral.org.br/lda>copyright law
<http://reformadireitoautoral.org.br/lda>. In their "
<http://reformadireitoautoral.org.br/lda/?p=480>fifteen contributions
for access to knowledge"
<http://reformadireitoautoral.org.br/lda/?p=480> they propose, among
others, an exception for educational non-profit use and a term reduction
from 70 to 50 years after the death of the author.
An overlapping constellation of civil society and art actors focussed
their submission on a single issue: file-sharing. Under the slogan
"Compartilhamento legal! R$3,00 de todos para tudo
this network is proposing to legalize non-commercial file-sharing in
exchange for a levy on broadband Internet access. The idea is nearly as
old as peer-to-peer file-sharing itself. It has been tested in
technology and in law making a few times. Here and now in Brazil, it
feels like it might actually become a reality.
Continua qui: http://www.vgrass.de/?p=382
juan carlos
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