[community] [Fwd: [A2k] CC statement at CDIP5]

J.C. DE MARTIN demartin a polito.it
Mer 28 Apr 2010 18:28:38 CEST

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[A2k] CC statement at CDIP5
Date: 	Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:36:42 +0100
From: 	Andres Guadamuz <a.guadamuz a ed.ac.uk>
To: 	a2k a lists.essential.org

Statement by Creative Commons to CDIP5

(Geneva, 26 April 2010)

Thank you Mr Chairman for the opportunity to make a statement; we would
like to join other delegates in congratulating you for your appointment.
Creative Commons appreciates the importance of the work of this
Committee, and particularly welcomes the invitation as an observer
awarded to us during the 4th session.

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to making it
easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent
with the rules of copyright. We provide free licenses and other legal
tools to mark creative work with as some rights reserved, so others can
share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof. Creative
Commons also encompasses projects dealing with education, open access,
open science and cultural development. Creative Commons International
has projects and jurisdiction-specific licences in 102 countries, with
19 more jurisdictions in the process of drafting licences. This
encompasses a vast network of volunteers who are engaged in the
principles of sharing information for the wider good. Millions of
objects are already shared under CC licences.

We would like to point the delegates to the fact that Creative Commons
was already mentioned during the 4th session as an important tool for
reaching balance for developing countries, I refer you to pp.24-25 of
the CDIP4 report.

We also strongly believe that Creative Commons offers developing
countries opportunities to legitimately access scientific and
educational materials released under a Creative Commons licence by
researchers and public institutions in the developed world, something
that is already taking place. We are aware that this does not solve
digital divide access issues, but we believe that making the works
available under permissive licences is a step in the right direction.

As mentioned already, Creative Commons strongly supports the work of
this Committee. We are encouraged in particular by the work in
Technology Transfer and in studying the public domain, and also welcome
the work of the SCCR in “Limitations and Exceptions for Educational
Activities”. We would like to point out that CC is creating a prototype
tool for marking and tagging public domain works, which we expect to
have that out by mid Summer 2010.  Any work on tools to facilitate the
ID of and access to PD content must interoperate and have buy-in from
all stakeholders who possess information about and can facilitate the
marking of such content.

Our work also includes heavy involvement in scientific arenas.
Particularly, we are currently engaged in creating standardized patent
licenses, which we believe can produce important result for developing

Thank you.

Andres Guadamuz
SCRIPT Law and Technology Centre
University of Edinburgh
Old College, South Bridge
Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

a.guadamuz a ed.ac.uk


SCRIPTed Journal of Law, Technology and Society

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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