[Community] Importante articolo di Volker Grassmuck: "The World Is Going Flat(-Rate)"

J.C. DE MARTIN demartin a polito.it
Mar 12 Maggio 2009 06:52:49 CEST


A New Study Shows Copyright Exception for Legalising File-Sharing is 
Feasible, as a Cease-Fire in the "War on Copying" Emerges

By Volker Grassmuck

A landmark study by the Institute of European Media Law (EML) found that 
a levy on internet usage legalising non-commercial online exchanges of 
creative works conforms with German and European copyright law, even 
though it requires changes in both. The German and European factions of 
the Green Party who had commissioned the study will make the "culture 
flat-rate," as the model is being called in Germany, an issue in their 
policies. The global debate on a new social contract between creatives 
and society is getting more pronounced by the day. Two models are 
emerging: a free-market approach based on private blanket licences and 
voluntary subscriptions, and a legal licence approach based on 
exceptions in copyright law and mandatory levies, that now has been 
proven legally feasible and appropriate by the EML study.


PDF version of this article [1.1MB, 30 pages]:

juan carlos de martin

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