[Community] [Gwen Hinze] [A2k] EFF Seeks European Affairs Co-ordinator

Andrea Glorioso andrea a digitalpolicy.it
Gio 26 Ott 2006 23:06:00 CEST

Scusate  il   leggero  off-topic:  l'Electronic  Frontier   Foundation
(http://www.eff.org/) sta cercando    un coordinatore  per   l'Europa.
Dettagli nella mail allegata.



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Un messaggio incapsulato è stato rimosso...
Da:         Gwen Hinze <gwen a eff.org>
Oggetto :   [A2k] EFF Seeks European Affairs Co-ordinator
Data:       Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:00:45 -0700
Dimensione: 2845
URL:        <http://creativecommons.it/pipermail/community/attachments/20061026/22b33ff3/attachment-0001.mht>
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      Andrea Glorioso || http://people.digitalpolicy.it/sama/cv/
          M: +39 348 921 4379	     F: +39 051 930 31 133
       "Truth is a relationship between a theory and the world;
       beauty is a relationship between a theory and the mind."
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Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        non disponibile
Tipo:        application/pgp-signature
Dimensione:  191 bytes
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URL:         <http://creativecommons.it/pipermail/community/attachments/20061026/22b33ff3/attachment-0002.pgp>

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