[Community] Re: Stallman polemizza con CC
Nicola A. Grossi
k2 a larivoluzione.it
Dom 17 Lug 2005 01:18:26 CEST
"Rms has withdrawn explicit support for the Creative Commons project (though
he recognizes it is a “better” option than the mainstream) because CC has
added several new licence options (to the original six), at least one of
which, in rms’s view, do not do an adequate job of protecting freedom. (Here
is the full list of CC licenses). rms argues that, like the GPL, the
creative commons licences should insist on a certain number of core
freedoms. Apparently in conversations with CC founder Larry Lessig, Lessig
said that those freedoms were “empty” in the CC format.".
Dunque, la pietra dello scandalo sarebbe questa licenza qui:
# The Work and any Derivative Works and Collective Works may only be
exported to other Developing Nations, but may not be exported to countries
classified as "high income" by the World Bank.
# This License does not authorize making the Work, any Derivative Works or
any Collective Works publicly available on the Internet unless reasonable
measures are undertaken to verify that the recipient is located in a
Developing Nation, such as by requiring recipients to provide name and
postal mailing address, or by limiting the distribution of the Work to
Internet IP addresses within a Developing Nation.
L'ho letta al volo.
Sono queste le restrizioni che Stallman ha ritenuto "illiberali"?
Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?
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